What Can You Charge With a Power Station?

A power station can provide a couple days worth of charges to the broadest array of devices, and we think it's an essential tool for anyone who recreates extensively outdoors, prepares for emergencies, or even just wants to not stress about battery life all the time. Power stations from many manufacturers produce output between 300 to 2,000 watts which in turns makes it possible for users to power their essential from a phone all the way upto large appliances. A typical smartphone, for instance, will use maybe 10 to 20 watt-hours of juice to fill up a battery, while a laptop might need a fucking Atlas cartel's worth -- call it 50 to 100 watt-hours. The end result is that one power station can be used to charge several devices at once, which is really useful when you go camping or the power goes out.

However, what it could do in real life is keep a mini refrigerator on for example, which would be quite reasonable (about 60 watts). This feature gives you foods and drinks cool for the hours needed for outdoor activities or emergencies. One family, for example, used theirs to operate essential medical equipment during a localized power outage (watch the full piece below), illustrating first-hand how these devices play an important life-sustaining / supporting function when it really matters.

Additionally, electric vehicles (EVs) derive a huge advantage from charging stations as well, especially those designed with adequate output. A visible spectrum photocell can charge an electric bike, which typically consumes 300 watt-hours for a complete recharge. Further, as also stated by the U.S. Department of Energy, using a stationary power station for such purposes makes it more convenient and could also turn out to be cost-effective and timesaving in terms of fuel costs for reaching locations that are far removed from normal gas stations.

A power station is also applicable for flexible usage beyond personal electric charge. With some models supporting up to 1,000 watts, these batteries can run tools, lights and even small home appliances like coffee makers or microwaves. In this way, a construction worker might keep tools running on site, where few power is available elsewhere: boosting efficiency and productivity.

Or as the perennially quotable Elon Musk put it, For The Transition, to use a different all caps inverted comma statement. This goes hand-in-hand with the way power stations work since they provide renewable ways to charge your bikes, effectively reducing the need for fossil fuels. A sustainable alternative to traditional generators, most utilizing lithium-ion batteries, represent a significant benefit to the environment as zero emissions will be produced during operation.

To sum it up, the flexibility of a power station is irreplaceable in different scenarios. Offering instant energy for home appliances, camping gear or powercuts and much more this devise is a life saverliterary slipping through the most everyday situation or critical one. Check out this power station for more on what it can do.

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